What You Need To Start A Business Online Or Offline

Publish Date
Dec 28, 2012
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Here’s a short list of basic tools, software, services and accounts you need to start building any business from scratch online or offline.
The list will grow over time as I find new services or tools but for now it’s a start for anyone looking to building a business on a limited budget.
Obviously we assume you have a product or service to sell and the next step is to start setting up your company and building an audience. If you don’t have an audience yet, our future articles we will help you seek out new clients and tell you where to find them in your niche.
One thing we advise in business is you can start off using free services until your business grows enough and you need to use a paid service. An example would be accounting software. When you start out in business do not need to pay for expensive invoicing software when there are free versions available.
Once you scale up your business and get more clients you may find the free accounting software is not suitable and has limitations. Now your business has some cash flow you can look at paying for an upgraded version of the free software. The paid version will have more features and may integrate with services you already use.
I think you get the idea. You don’t need to buy tools or software just because you are starting a business. Your first goal is to get clients, make sales, growing your client base and making contacts. Don’t waste money on office space just because you started a business.
This doesn’t mean just use services or software because they are free. You will have to spend some money at some point so do your research before you but something or check back to our blog. We will show you all the tools you need and how to use them.

To Get Started

  1. A Company name LTd or LLC. Form a limited company with GoLimited
  1. Business Bank Account
  1. Business Paypal Account
  1. Accounting/Invoicing Software free or paid
  1. Domain name
  1. Hosting account
  1. A website using WordPress
  1. Skype account
  1. Skype In Number and Call Forwarding
  1. Aweber email software for list building and promotion
  1. Google Docs (Google Account)
  1. Open Office (If you don’t want Google Docs)
  1. Google Drive account or Dropbox

Physical Items

  1. Computer/Laptop
  1. iPad (Also used as a video camera recording in HD)
  1. Smart phone
  1. Furniture, equipment or accessories to deliver your work/service e.g massage bench, photography lights, hairdresser kits.
Stop thinking about starting a business and actually start it!
There are some very obvious items not added here but the list above is all you need to get started running a business online of offline.
I will be adding to the list and linking related items above with reviews and articles on the item I used.
If you don’t have a product to sell yet then you may want to consider selling a service. We all have skills that other people would pay for.

Wrap Your Knowledge Into A Service

Look at what you already know. Look at what you already do. If you are working in a large company and want to break away to work for yourself, look at ways you can wrap your knowledge into a consulting service.
Look at all the skills you already have like formatting documents, spreadsheets, presentations. Maybe you manage projects within your company and have a system which you structure each project around.
Maybe you hate your job and would love to be working in your hobby.
Looks for ways you can turn your passion into a business there are opportunities in every niche.
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Written by

David Frosdick

I'm David a content marketer & digital product creator. I spend my days learning about marketing, testing new ideas and working with business owners to improve internal processes and automate what they can. Feel free to contact me if you want to chat.